Rui Xin Leather allows you to design your own custom handbag. Our Bespoke bags are entirely handmade, using premium materials. Free delivery worldwide.
We at Rui Xin Leather are a bag library with a wide display of unique custom handbag available in every shape, size and style. The distinctive element of Rui Xin Leather bags is that the bag enthusiasts can Design a Handbag, Bespoke Bag. At Rui Xin Leather the bag lovers have an excellent opportunity to experiment and unleash their creative side in custom designing a handbag. We offer easy options so that people with just a few clicks can design their dream Rui Xin Leather handbag. We even offer options for visualization of the handbag where one can make selections in colors, the color combination, material and the style of the bag as per one’s preference.
Our every Rui Xin Leather Custom handbag India reflects the fine craftsmanship as every bag in our production house is handmade. Our production team pays importance to finishing every detail in handbag with utmost precision. We even make sure that we only use faux leather with the best quality metal fittings and trims for durability and best finish. The final step is to choose a Designer Monogram Handbag which is exclusively hand carved. This personalized monogram can be incorporated in removable hanging tag or a stitched tag inside the handbag.
Our stylish and distinct handbags have even made news in many popular media channels for its unique attributes. Our each individual handbag is even popular amongst celebrities and makes it’s an excellent gifting option as well.
We offer OEM/ODM services,can make customized designs, colors and materials with skilled workers and professional machines.We are looking forward to establishing long term business relationship with you. We hope that we can create a WIN-WIN situation.